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  • P-ISSN1229-4632
  • E-ISSN2733-5925
  • KCI

The Family and Woman in the Poetry of 1920-30's

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2005, v.0 no.13, pp.57-86
Lee Hye Won


The goal of this paper was to study appearance and meaning of the family and woman in the poetry of 1920-30's, especially those of Kim So-wal, Bak Seok, Lee Yong-ac, and Lee Sang. Their poetry proved the reality of life vividly by the life of family and woman of their age. Kim, So-wol's poetry showed the fact that the life of colony make the value of family to be increased. The colonial life which made the family dissolute appeared the lacked space. The woman was idealized absolute thing like nature, and became the object of romantic admiration. In Bak, Seok's poetry, the family caused intimate and peaceful blood relation. The matriarchal system which was restored by basic memory and romantic imagination proved the admiration about the national archetype. Lee, Yong-ak's poetry expressed the appearance of family and woman which was related with the social situation of that time closely. The description about the wandering people who lost their hometown and the woman who was soled out to the foreign country reflected thoroughly on the national reality of that time. In Lee, Sang's poetry the patriarchal system was denied flatly. In his poetry, the patriarchal system was a symbolof every oppressive system. He denied a family keenly because it had all kinds of corruption of the patriarchal system. In the colonial age, the traditional concept of the family was maintained stoutly; because the need of resistance against imperialism was the first value. The more the disparate between the ideal about the family and the real increased, the more the inclination to realize the elemental family by romantic imagination and mystify the maternity rose. The most of poetry showed strongly the traditional concept of family in that time, excepting Lee, Sang's poetry.

Family, woman, maternity, patriarchic system, Kim So-wal, Bak Seok, Lee Yong-ac, Lee Sang., 가족, 여성, 모성, 가부장제, 김소월, 백석, 이용악, 이상.



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Feminism and Korean Literature