ISSN : 1229-4632
Issues in Female Speaker in Korean Classical Poetry Ko, Jeong-Hee The issue of interpreting female speaker in korean classical poetry has been one of the most controversial subjects. This paper aims to comprehend the core of the controversy over female speaker by highlighting the poetical problem of 'speaker'. Those who regard 'speaker' as a poetic paradigm assert that we should distinguish female speaker from author. They focus on the 'femininity' as 'wholeness' which is unconcerned in the author's sex/gender. However those who regard 'speaker' as an ideological device focus on the poetic truth which is derived only from the identical gender speaker. They put emphasis on the uniqueness of female experience and partiality, and this is why they have been criticised for intolerance. I insist that the alternative of the partiality could be another partial assertion. 'Wholeness' might be a privilege of man and 'poetics of speaker' is also male methodology. Though I stress the partial research rather than the assertion of the wholeness, what is necessary is to transfer our viewpoint from synchronic to diachronic to solve the controversy.
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