ISSN : 1229-4632
This study aims to make clear of site of modern poetry's construction in late 1910th and early 1920th. It was constituted the discourse of sense, because the sense is not a physical effect but a formation by gender hierarchical knowledge. To built the modern subject, it is offered that the emotion must to be escape most of all, because the emotion is the index of the subjectivity. Kim, Uk did this through placing emphasis on sound(music) in poetry. As there is phenomenal or existential connection between sound and emotion, emotion is the kernel of individuality. So if there were not emotion, modernist like Kim, Ki-rim couldn't assert visuality like paint or architecture. The visuality(image) of poetry could have the meaning only as the other of musicality(sound). During the constitution period of early modern poetry, as the change of the sense from sound to visuality, emotional modern subject could be change the rational modern subject.
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