ISSN : 1229-4632
This study reanalyzes the meaning of 『A Muddy Stream』 from the viewpoint of sadism related to search of sincere super-ego as the spirits of negativity. As a aesthetics of control, sadism destroys present systems, morals, rules etc. and relates to try for establishment of super-ego beyond systems. At first, the fathers of 『A Muddy Stream』 is not father because they lose of the manpower and virility, so most of characters are created to an orphan. Because of fathers lack of ability, mother is responsible to moral and economical decision, so mothermoral should be overcome to her children. The many violences shows in this works is due to a pseudo-family who intrudes a matriarch and aparts the family. The violences in families shows the obedience and resistance to the ruler, like as Kim and Go Tae-su made connection as pseudo mother-son was killed by pseudo father, Hyung-bo was killed by Cho-bong, his wife etc.. Cho-bong return to her mother Yu's morality with punishment to Hyung-bo's mean desire. Apart from Cho-bong, Hang-hwa and the hostess of licenced quarter shows the affirmativity beyond moral and rules, who know the disagreement between real world and system, even though they sacrifice for their families. They show new shape of father in the age of destroyed father, in the point that they lead their lives like a grown-up with subjectivity through prostitution in the society of colonial-capitalism.
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