ISSN : 1229-4632
The purpose of this paper is to inquire about the approaches,so-called 'cultural studies' opened researches internal korean literature studies in 2000s. The cultural studies, a close associate of media, have had a tendency to involute into the literature texts. With the critical mind that in the tendency to involution into the literature texts the cultural studies have little point in it, this paper examines the interaction with Medium and Lee In Gik's SINSOSEOL (early modern novel), Hyul-e-nu(blood tears). Through the transformation of the meaning in coding virtuous women and non-virtuous women in the context of home, the traditional understanding of woman had changed into the new understanding of woman, which was demanded in the context of home in 1900s. Above all, two heroine in Hyul-e-nu(blood tears), Okrun and her mother Chunae have to do with the new meaning of coding of virtuous women and non-virtuous women. Okrun has been said as the modern girl, but she was unstable and paradoxical character who wandered between the modern and pre-modern.
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