ISSN : 1229-4632
I have considered the aspects of women's behavior as a matriarch on the 19th century women's daily life history materials. The patriarch is responsible for managing the family property and leading the household members, but the noble patriarch has donenothing but repenting of his own irresponsibility as a patriarch standing on the thoughtlessness(迂闊), the integrity(淸廉). In place of the noble patriarch, the mistress of a house becomes the matriarch who bears the responsibility for living. In the 19th century women's daily life history materials, the value of women's labor and women's ability that manages the property and people are estimated positively. Therefore the matriarch's virtues in the 19th century have been in discord with the traditional womanly virtues(婦德). The matriarch's management of the property that is compared with a man, a man of honor(君子), a sage(聖人) is characteristic of the planning, the correctness, the efficiency as the modern virtue, that positively expanded the category of the women's gender role.
柳希春, 眉巖日記
吳希文, 쇄미록
申佐模, 澹人集
金邁淳, 臺山集
洪直弼, 梅山先生文集
韓章錫, 眉山集
沈魯崇, 孝田散稿
趙秉悳, 肅齋集
金澤榮, 韶濩堂集
洪直弼, 梅山先生文集
成海應, 硏經齋全集
申 綽, 石泉遺稿
柳疇睦, 溪堂集
李頤淳, 後溪集
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