ISSN : 1229-4632
In this study, Four daughters of Armian by Shin Il-suk was presented as one of the representative female narrative cartoons in the 1980s. Some might criticize the work for being influenced by cultural colonialism in that the artist established her style by mimicking the expressive techniques of Japanese cartoons and set ancient Greece and Persian Empire as the background. She, however, reproduced visually the independence of colonial women that resisted the imperialist men as far as its narrative was concerned. Furthermore, she made an attempt at rewriting myths and history in the eyes of women, which raises a need to evaluate her work differently. She borrowed materials for her narrative from the ancient Greek mythology, the Bible, and the classics including Histories by Herodotus and Plutarch's Lives. The old myths and war histories of the empire get mixed and clash with the destinies of Armian's four daughters and are reorganized from the perspective of women. Her strategy of narrative rewriting inspires the readers to make new interpretations of history and patriarchal myths of the empire and broaden the horizon of their feminist perceptions.
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