ISSN : 1229-4632
Following the box office success of the 1974 film Heavenly Homecoming to the Stars a new protagonist began to appear in Korean films: brothel employees, beer hall hostesses, call girls and sex workers strolling the streets emerged as key characters in some of the most famous films of this period. These melodramas became hugely popular at a time when young women were flocking to the cities to find work in Korea’s industrializing hubs. The plots of the films followed the experiences and life stories of these young women and the genre of melodrama, that dealt in emotional excess, seemed perfectly suited to capture the vicissitudes of rapidly modernizing Korea and the young women who were at the centre of social change: both mobility and exploitation. 1970s hostess melodramas uncovered the lives of those women who did not manage to find employment in the regular labour market and depicted women’s experience of migration to the cities and eventually the entertainment districts but at the same time critiqued capitalism and a patriarchal society that incorporated country girls into the sex industry. Hostess films remain a complex text. Although they present women’s voices, men were the primary intended audience for these films and in many respects the films’ female protagonists ventriloquise the concerns of a patriarchal society. This duality in hostess films: the blending of the voices of female sex worker protagonists and a patriarchal society, make these films extraordinarily rich sources from which women’s voices from the 1970s may be restored.
「별들의 고향」(이장호, 1974)
「영자의 전성시대」(김호선, 1975)
「창수의 전성시대」(김사겸,1975)
「여자들만 사는 거리」(김호선, 1976)
「왕십리」(임권택, 1976)
「겨울여자」(김호선, 1977)
「O양의 아파트」(변장호, 1978)
「속 O양의 아파트」(변장호, 1978)
「꽃순이를 아시나요」(정인엽, 1978)
「가시를 삼킨 장미」(정진우, 1979)
「꽃띠여자」(노세한, 1979)
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