ISSN : 1229-4632
Jungmo Yoon who started her work activities from 1968, and then wrote popular novels in the 1970s, is not only a writer who wrote such controversial works like 「Night Road」 representing the May 18 Gwangju Democratic Movement into a novel for the first time, 「Your Ma’s name Was Chosun Whore)」taking the comfort women for Japanese soldiers as its material, and 『Rein』 known as an anti-American novel in the 1980s, but also evaluated as a writer who overcame the limitation of so-called ‘feminine’ literature in the literary world. In the late 1980s, the female writers started asserting the new citizenship in the literary world and literary history not as ‘feminine literature’, but as ‘women’s literature’. At that time, Jungmo Yoon was also evaluated as a writer suitable for the new requests of women’s literature. However, Jungmo Yoon’s novels are overwhelmed by the nationalistic perspective, so they reveal the limitations of misogyny in the representation of women as follows. First, Jungmo Yoon’s novels in the 1980s, regarded as popular novels fully represent the stereotype in the representation of women as hateful bad maternalism and excellent maternalism. Second, Jungmo Yoon’s novels represent the ‘foreign power’ threatening people through the characters of middle-class women. In other words, the female characters symbolizing the foreign power are set up as luxurious and selfish middle-class women who are connected to the United States or excessively like foreign goods. This method of representation is highly related to the fact that the national/popular movements discourse of the time embraced the lower-class women as people and the public, and on the other hand, it excluded the middle-class women. Eventually, Jungmo Yoon became a female writer of ‘post-feminine literature’ by actively using the time, people, and history as the materials of her novels. However, her novels show the limitations of showing the tolerant perspective on men’s violence while revealing the misogyny. This method of reproduction is similar to the way Yoon Jung-mo reproduces and describes his personal history. The importance of the imagined paternal lineage was also the reason why Yoon Jung-mo’s literature could not be flexibly changed in the changed situation of the 1990s, as it was more than just nationalistic justification.
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