ISSN : 1229-4632
The purpose of this article is to examine the overlapping oppression of women and children in Korean literature in the 2000s, a period during which feminism began to disappear. To this end, this article attempts two tasks. First, I revealed that the “misogynistic” attitude that appeared in the works of the 2000s was overlooked in the process of appreciating the subversive elements that appeared in the works of the time. When violent scenes appeared in literature in the 2000s, I critically assessed how criticism in the 2000s praised these scenes for their aesthetic value. Furthermore, the article demonstrates that criticism of the time did not fully imply the feminist views in poems of the 2000s. To this end, this article looked at the process by which “genderlessness” was represented in poems of the 2000s. Most importantly, these scenes are similar in that they all feature girls. In short, the article tried to critically reveal how criticism in the 2000s aestheticized “violence” and politicized the “genderless” subject while erasing feminist views and understanding “children” only figuratively. Furthermore, I analyzed the poems of Kim Min-jung, Lee Min-ha, and Kim Haeng-sook from a feminist perspective and traced the genealogy of feminist poetry that survived even throughout the 2000s.
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