ISSN : 1225-6706
This article explores the characteristics of the complex crises in East Asia through the concept and expanding role of the ‘Peace City’ as a possible strategy in responding to such crises while considering the perils of ‘mega cities’as well. The aspects of complex crisis in East Asia have become ever more complicated, interconnected between traditional crises and the new challenges of the 21st century and coupled with greater uncertainty. Particularly in East Asia, there remain remnants of the Cold War which have contributed to and further aggravated the complex crises in the region, creating even greater uncertainties and testing the limitations of nation-states’ problem solving. At the same time, Mega-cities have become another factor contributing to the growing gap between small and medium-sized cities. This article intends to focus on the concept of ‘peace city’ as an alternative solution to this crisis. Peace city is suggested as a solution that not only strengthens cooperation beyond borders to overcome the nationalism and statism left over from the Cold War structure, but also one that can gradually transform the characteristics of the state itself from nation state to civic state and possibly herald a new state paradigm. Though it is at a trial level, this paper attempts to articulate the concepts of both the peace city and the civic state and how these concepts can practically respond to the complex crisis in East Asia.
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