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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Paris Agreement and Urban Energy Transition: A Lesson for Seoul’s Energy and Climate Policy

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2016, v.26 no.1, pp.48-78


This paper aims to draw several lessons on how the Paris agreement can influenceon urban energy and climate policies. It selects Seoul’s energy and climate policiesas the case study. The theoretical framework in this paper is composed of multilevelperspective and international policy harmonization theory. The paper draws the followinglessons from the analysis. First, principles and aims of the Paris agreementshould be reflected in Seoul’s energy and climate policies. Second, Seoul’s energypolicy and climate policy should be harmonized as a combined policy after mutuallyconnecting energy policy and climate adaptation and resilience policies. Third, sincethe Paris Agreement justifies national government’s support to the efforts of urbangovernments, Korean national government should support Seoul’s diverse efforts forurban energy transition. Forth, niche strategies strengthened due to the emergenceof the Paris Agreement will paly positive roles to create new urban energy regime.

Paris Agreement, Urban Energy Transition, Seoul, Urban Energy and Climate Policy, Multilevel Perspective, International Policy Harmonization, 파리협정, 도시에너지 전환, 서울시, 도시 에너지·기후 정책, 다층적 관점, 국제정책 조율



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Space and Environment