ISSN : 1225-6706
Applying actor-network theory(ANT), this paper considers human and non-human actor-networks and their assemblages in multiple form which are emerged, maintained, and disintegrated in transnational labor migration. It is argued that studies on transnational labor migration on the basis of ANT emphasize two central concerns, that is, the concern with actor-networks continuously produced and reproduced by human and material objects encountering in processes of transnational labour migration; and the concern with diverse types of typological spaces (that is, regional, network, fluid and fire space) which are also constructed and reconstructed repeatedly in these processes. The concept of assembles as multiple associations of heterogeneous actors and their networks with typological spaces provides a significant (ontologically, analytically, and methodologically) tool to grasp central aspects of transnational labor migration. On the basis of this conceptual consideration, this paper analyzes empirical materials collected through deep interviews with foreign migrant workers living around Daegu in Korea, focusing on three major assemblages arranged and rearranged in processes of transnational labor migration, that is, job, home, and state assemblages.
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