ISSN : 1225-6706
This study examines how the Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) has gained its international fame and contributed to regional development. In developing a conceptual framework for understanding the globalizing cultural festival and its success, we create a concept of a multi-scalar mediator as an enabler of strategic coupling between translocal actors and regional assets. We pay analytical attention to the three characteristics of the multi-scalar mediators, who has the professional knowledge on her/his fields and regions, the multi-scalar networks, and autonomous self-motivation. Based on these characteristics, they can facilitate the strategic coupling between global actors such as global movie directors/film makers/distributors and regional assets and thus contribute to the growth of the globalizing cultural festivals and eventually regional development. This case study is methodologically based on in-depth interviews, participatory observation, site visit, and archival analyses.
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부산국제영화제 홈페이지.
아시안프로젝트마켓 홈페이지.