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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

From Public Housing to Social Housing: what is to be done for establishing supply system of social housing in Korea?

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2017, v.27 no.3, pp.11-48


In 2017, new terms such as 'public assisted-private rental housing' and 'social housing' emerged when the new government was launched. As a result, changes in the public rental housing centered supply policy in Korea are expected. However, there is still a lack of concrete discussion on how to embody newly presented terms in housing policy. Therefore, this study focused on seeking a supply system for social housing that includes public rental housing and public assisted-private rental housing, based on the experience of Seoul Metropolitan Government. While examining theoretical arguments supporting social housing, constraints on the supply of public rental housing, and the experience of Seoul's Social Housing Policy, this study suggested that the terms of public assisted-private rental housing and social housing should be used as a trigger to restructure existing policies or to seek new institutionalization. As part of that, this study proposed the following tasks: (1) the integrated operation of public rental housing and public assisted-private rental housing, (2) establishing the supply model for public assisted-private rental housing, (3) re-establishing operation principles of the National Housing Fund of central government, (4) expanding the role of local governments, (5) amending the existing law to support the social housing policy.

public rental housing, public assisted-private rental housing, social housing, Seoul's social housing policy, 공공임주택, 공공지원주택, 공 임주택. 서울시 사회주택 정책



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Space and Environment