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Space and Environment

Governmobility and the precariat’s spatial strategies

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2017, v.27 no.4, pp.9-35

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This study introduces the concepts of governmobility and navigation to the conversation on precarity. This research analyzes the effects precarity has on the precariat while considering spatial strategies, mobilities, and interactive responses to precarity. By opening a discussion on the nature of contemporary societies, the study sees how people deemed to be the precariat work within the current social structure. Previous studies have treated mobilities as a given and not paid enough attention to the interactive dynamics of those mobilities on the precariat. Focusing on the governing and survival strategies of transnational migrants as an articulated example of the precariat, this research puts forth two arguments. First, mobilities of capital and population are complicated combinations of governmobilities, survival strategies, mobilization, and voluntary decisions. Governmobility refers to governing through mobilities, but it also constitutes the spatial strategy of the society and the nation state to manage global precarity. Second, migrants navigate the precarious and shifting social structure by developing social strategies including repeated mobilities and place-making.

이동, 통치, 불안계급, 공간전략, 불안정성, 항해, Precarity, precariat, mobilities, governing, governmobility, migrants, navigation



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Space and Environment