ISSN : 1225-6706
Oyster culture industry in Korea has “grown” explosively in the wave of “modernization on fishing,” which is aligned with the period of condensed mod- ernization since the 1960s. This industry is not only a collectivity of political and economic relationships among sea animals called oysters and plural humans, but also closely entangled with ecological issues such as viruses, high water temper- atures, red tides, and farm waste. Nevertheless, political and ecological dis- cussions on oyster farming have not been properly conducted. In this study, the oyster farming industry was deconstructed and analyzed from a political and eco- logical perspective, and how the oyster farming industry has changed the Korean marine space. In particular, the three-dimensionality and fluidity of the marine space were analyzed in connection with the discussion of natureculture. As a re- sult, the dramatic increase in oyster production is not a single result of state-led growthism or the development of fisheries technology, but various aspirations for development, expansion of ecological knowledge, introduction of new tech- nologies and tools, ecological risks, institutions, and capital, which was a hetero- geneous collectivity. In addition, this study shows that the change in which the three-dimensional farms using the space vertically from the horizontal farms be- came dominant was the process and the result of the transformation of the ocean into a capitalist space of enclosure and intensive production. It was captured that objects such as viruses and marine debris that move across the boundary of farms have served as actors forming new aggregates. Through this, the study expanded the boundaries of “human history” to reveal the three-dimensionality and diver- sity of natureculture, in which non-human animals, tools, actions, capital, and ecological risks are complexly intertwined.
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