ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper aims to comprehensively develop the concept of ‘urban formation’ as part of a search for possibilities and alternative directions of urban transformation, in order to respond to the problems and crises caused by speculative urbanization not through its internal adjustment, but through an alternative transformation of the urban project. For this purpose, this paper first conceptualizes the relationship between ‘the city as assemblage’ and ‘the urban formation’ and explains how this conceptualization contributes to urban transformation as a field of practice. Next, the paper briefly conceptualizes the practical implications of ‘speculative urbanization’ in the hegemonic territorialization of the city as an assemblage today, and how catachresis and ban, which constitutively occur when certain urban formations are imperfectly represented, emerge in neoliberal urban projects that attribute ‘speculative urbanization’. Finally, the article explores the possibilities of constructing and representing the banned as the subject of subversion and emancipation against speculative urbanization articulating with the ‘urban commons’ movements.