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ACOMS+ 및 학술지 리포지터리 설명회

  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI
趙兢鎬(全南大學校 心理學科) pp.1-18

타인에 대한 好馬次元印象은 社會的 規準에 따라, 和説次元印像은 個人的規準에 따라, 연인상된단어 이루어질 것이라는 가설을 Asch(1951)의 同調行動 장면에서 검증하였다. 好惡度値와 和親度値가 대체로 같은 단어들을 正ㆍ偵의 單語集團에서 선정하여 각각 4단어로 이루어진 單語組合을 구성하고 이러한 單語組에 대한 好惡次元印象評定値와 和親次元印象評定値를 각각 10명의 피험자에게서 산출하였다. 이러한 印象評定値를 기초로 그 1 頰準催差의 尺度値에 3명의 僞裝被驗者를 통해 集醐擞力을 가한 조건을 선정하고 각 20명의 순수 피험자에게서 好惡次元印象과 和親次元印象을 평정토록 하였다. 그 결과 好惡判斷集團의 인상평정치가 和親判斷集關의 그것보다 集湖肥力値에 더 가까웠으며, 好惡判斷集糊의 集團壓力에의 同調量이 和沌判斷集團에 서보다 많았다. 또한 好惡判斷集團의 인상평정치의 集團內 變散度는 和親判斷集團의 그것보다 작았으며, 集團壓力에의 信賴度도 好惡判斷集團에 和親判斷集團에서보다 높았다. 同調行動 장면에서의 集團壓力은 자극재료를 판단하는 社會的 規範으로 작용한다는 사실에 비추어 이러한 본 실험의 결과는, 타인에 대한 好惡次元印象은 効果源으로서의 社會的 規準에 따라 인상판단이 이루이지는 것이고, 和親次元印象은 社會的 規準과는 상관없이 個人的規準에 따라 인상된단어 이루어지게 되는 것임을 시사하는 것이라고 논의되었다.


This study was designed to test the hypothesis that favorableness impression measured by a good-bad scale would be judged according to social norms, whereas likableness impression measured by a like-dislike scale would be judged according to personal norms. In this study, the group pressure in Asch's(195L) conformity situation was manipulated as a social norm. In order to test this hypothesis, fifteen 4-word sets were constructed and their favorability and likability scale values were measured by 10 subjects. On the basis of these scale values, the group pressures were carried by three confederates on the scale values plus or minus 1 SD points on the judgment scale to 8 out of 15 word sets Three confederates were instructed to report the remaining word set's scale values as their impression. The experiment was conducted in a 4-man 0 confederates and 1 subject) group situation. To each word set, 3 confederates reported, in turn, their instructed impression value and then the subject reported his favorableness or likableness impression after he received three confederates' group pressure. Subjects were 40 college male students and divided into two groups of 20 men (the favorableness judgement group and the likableness judgement group). The results were as follows: 1) the impression response of the favorableness judgement group was more influenced by group pressure than that of the likableness judgement group, 2) the favorableness judgement group showed greater conformity than the likableness group, 3) the response variability of the favorableness group \vas smaller than that of likableness group, and 4) the favorableness group trusted in group pressures more than the likableness group did. Previous research on conformity reported that group pressures in conformity situations have normative influence on group members and that the group members identify this pressure as their judgemental criteria. The results of this experiment were interpreted as approving the hypothesis of the present study.

洪大植(全北大學校 心理學科) pp.19-27

三者關係의 狀況에서 P/O關係의 惡度增加는 好度增加보다 상황의 유쾌도 평정과 안정도 평정에 더 큰 영향을 줄 것이라는 가설을 세웠다. P/()關係 好惡의 간격을 각각 매우, 상당히, 다소, 및 약간의 4범주로 구분하였다. P/O관계에서 O는 인물들 중에서 선정하게 하되 호오 두집단 별로 각각 "매우"와 "약간"의 범주의 인물을 골라서 三者關係의 상황에 써넣게 한다음, 상황에 대해 평정케 하였다. 안정도 평정에서는 P/O관계 好惡强度와 P/O관계 好惡間의 相互作用이 有義하여 (p<.05) 지지되었으나 유쾌도 평정에서는 지지되지 못하였다. 均衡効果의 全體패턴은 Heider(1958)와 Newcomb(1968) 의 理論을 支持치 않았으며, 이런 結果를 설명키 위해 간등모형 (eonflict model)과 유사한 새로운 이론적 모형을 제시하였다.


It was hypothesized that an increase in the strength of disliking compared to that in the strength of liking would have a greater effect on perception of the pleasantness and the stability of the triadic social situations. All subjects were instructed to write the names of several persons whom they liked strongly, considerably, fairly, and mildly. While one experimental group wrote the strongly liked and disliked persons into the triadic social situations, the other experimental group wrote the mildly liked and disliked persons. The hypothesis was supported in stability ratings but not in pleasantness ratings. The overall pattern of the balance effects did not support the Heider's(1958) and Newcomb's(1968) theories. A new model similar to the conflict model was suggested to explain these data.

李舜堯(高麗大學校 產業工學科) pp.28-37

韓國版 Y-G性格檢査의 妥當性을 檢證하기 위하여 問項分析과 構造分析을 실시하였다. 이 分析을 위한 分析對象으로서는 問項分析을 위하여 業種別 職能別로 생플링된 管理監督者 3,110名으로 하였고, 構造分析을 위하여 韓國의 髙校生 715名과 日本의 髙校生 961名으로 하였고, 分析方法으로는 問項分析의 信賴度를 위하여 內的一致信賴度를, 構造分析을 위하여 多變量解析法인 Varimax法, Promax法 및 Factormax法을 이용하였다. 첫째, 問項分析 結果, 각 尺度에 配當된 質問問項이 불과 10問項인데도 불구하고 0.78~0.93의 대단히 높은 信賴度係數를 나타내고 있으며, 이들의 尺度를 情緖不安定性耍因(D, C, I, N), 社會不適應要因(O, Co), 衝動性要因(G, R), 主導性要因(A, S) 등의 尺度群으로 하여 檢査結果를 프로필로 診斷하는 信賴度는 더욱 더 높아지게 된다. 둘째, 要因構造分析 結果, 對應要因間의 一致度係數와 相關은 1.00에 가까운 대단히 높은 값을 나타냈으며, 韓日兩國에서 얻은 要因構造의 同一性은 거의 의심할 여지가 없었다. 그러나, 12개의 尺度平均値를 비교하면 거의 모든 尺度에 대하여 有意性있는 差가 보인다. 이 尺度平均의 差를 兩國의 實體的인 氣質差로만 생각할 것이 아니라 實體遨를 檢出하기 위하여 Bilingual한 被驗者에 의한 情報로 修正하면 보다 精密한 國際的 比較가 가능하게 될 것이다. 세째, 構造型分所 結果, 12개 尺度 중 9개 尺度(D, I, N, O, Co, G, T, A, S)는 一致構造型이었고 C尺度는 準-致構造型이었으므로 이들은 거의 改良없이 韓日男女의 4集圍에 대하여 轉移可能性이 保證되나, R尺度는 類似搆造型으로서 한 두 項目에 대한 再檢討를, 그리고 Ag尺度는 互換作用型으로서 尺度水準에 대한 檢討를 통하여 다소 調整할 필요가 있을 것이다.


A validation study of Y·G personality test showed the following results. First, item analysis yielded a very high coefficient of reliability of 12 scales. The reliability was much improved if the scales were rearranged into groups. Second, factor analysis showed that the coefficient of factor congruence and correlation between the antithetical factors were very high and that the factor structure of the Korean was almost identical to that of the Japanese. Third, according to the results of structural analysis, 9 out of 12 scales were congruent structures, whereas C scale was semi-congruent structure, the R scale was similarity structure and the Ag scale was interaction structure. Thus the possibility of applying to both sexes of two countries was assured, although some items of the R scale and the scale level of the Ag scale should be reexamined. The above mentioned results affirmed the validity and reliability of Y-G personality test of a Korean version.

金正午(서울大學校 心理學科) ; 朴永信(東洲女子專門大學) pp.38-50

學齡前 兒童들이 他人行動의 原因을 體系的인 原理를 사용해서 推定하고 있는지를 둘러싼 논쟁을 해결하기 위해 본 연구가 시도되었다. 5세, 7세 및 9세 兒童 120명에게 그림과 함께 8가지 이야기를 들려준 후 假想的인 主人公의 行動의 原因을 推定하고, 그 內的 動機의 强度를 推定한 후 未來行動에 관해 豫言하도록 하였다. 兒童들은 豫想된 報償을 받은 主人公보다 豫想外 報償을 받은 主人公이 더 內的으로 動機化되었고., 장차 그 행동을 할 可能性이 더 많다고 예측하였다. 物質的 報償을 받은 主人公보다 雷語的 報償을 받은 主人公이 또한 內的 原因때문에 행동했고 그 행동을 할 것이라고 추정되었다. 特히 學齢前 兒童들은 豫想된 物質的 報償보다 豫想된 言語的 報償條件에서 內的 歸因을 더 많이 하였다. 이 兒童들의 과반수는 外的 또는 內的 한 方向으로 原因을 推定하는 偏重된 歸因을 보였다. 內的 原因推定, 內的 動機의 强度推定 및 未來行動 豫言 課題에서 兒童의 反應 點數간에 有意한 相關이 있었다. 本 硏究의 結果를 說明하기 위해 歸因過程에 대한 段階模型이 제기되었다.


The present study examined whether preschoolers are able to employ the discounting principle in the attribution process. Kindergartners, first and third graders, 40 subjects each, were asked to listen very carefully to several stories in each of which an actor performed a nice behavior. They were then asked to answer three questions intended to measure inferences about the cause of the actor's behavior, estimation of the degree or his internal motive, and prediction about the same future behavior. More internal causes were attributed to actors who did a nice behavior without any anticipation of reward than to those who did in expectation of reward. The same pattern or results emerged in a comparison of the actors who were given verbal rewards to those who received tangible rewards. Kindergartners inferred more internal causes in the behavior of actors who received unexpected tangible rewards than in the behavior of actors who were given expected tangible rewards. These subjects also revealed internally or externally biased discoill1ting effects and only 10% of them seemed unsystematically applying the discounting principle. Taken together, these findings suggest that given plausible causes of a behavior, kindergartners encode relevant information about the behavior and then use the discounting principle. Finally, significant correlations were obtained among three measurements: Causal inferences of behavior, estimation of internal motives and predictions about the same behavior.

Jung-Mo Lee(Korea University) ; David J. Murray(Queen's University) pp.51-61


Three cued recall experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of the imagery of the input cues on the retrieval processes. In Experiment 1, imagery of the input cues, types of retrieval cues, and input word order were varied. In Experiment 2 and 3, presentation rates and retrieval time were additionally varied respectively. The results indicated that cued recall depends on the specific input conditions. Under the high imagery input cue condition, intralist cuing was superior to extralist cuing, whereas under the low imagery input cue condition, extralist cuing was superior to intralist cuing. Additionally controlled variables did not have any significant effects on this finding. The results generally support the encoding specificity theory, but it also shows some limits of the 'superiority of intra list cuing' assumption of this theory. The 'non-superiority of intralist cuing' and the tendency of faster and better recall under the low imagery input cue condition was interpreted as the result of the different nature of the encoding of the target words paired with high imagery input cues and that of the target words paired with low imagery input cue.

한국심리학회지: 일반