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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Role of Dichotomous Thinking in College Students with Panic Attacks

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2012, v.31 no.4, pp.1139-1155


This study attempted to investigate the role of dichotomous thinking (DT) as a cognitive factor that may elicit intense and acute anxiety like panic. According to the cognitive approach to panic disorder, catastrophic misinterpretations (CM) of bodily sensations are assumed to cause the panic. We tested the hypothesis that DT which judges situations in terms of extremes may play the role of cognitive amplification factor corresponding to CM. For this purpose, Panic Attack Questionnaire, Somato-sensory Amplification Scale, Dichotomous Thinking Index-23 Revised, Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised were administered to 484 college students. In analysis 1, we studied whether the interaction of DT with somatosensory sensitivity (SS) can predict the anxiety sensitivity (AS) known to covary with panic disorder. As results, the interaction of DT and SS predicted panic-prone AS significantly. When SS was high and simultaneously DT was high, panic-proneness increased to the maximum level. In analysis 2, panic group, somatization group, and normal control group (each 30 subjects) were screened from entire 484 college students. We compared SS and DT, the 2-stage mechanism of panic generation and attaind mixed results. In comparison to normal control group, the panic group showed both higher SS and DT. But in comparison to somatization group which shares similar clinical features with panic disorder, the panic group didn't differ in 2-stage mechanism. Therefore according to analysis 2 the specific role of DT in panic disorder was supported only in part. Finally, we discussed implications and limitations of this study.

Panic Attack, Somatization, Dichotomous Thinking, Bodily Sensation, Anxiety Sensitivity, 공황, 신체화, 이분법적 사고, 신체 감각, 불안 민감성



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General