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The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Labor Stratrgy on Job-Related Attitudes: The mediating Effect of Personal Accomplishment


The purposes of this study was to identify the role of emotional intelligence in predicting deep acting, and the mediating role of personal accomplishment in a relationship between emotional labor strategies (i.e., surface acting and deep acting) and job related attitudes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. A total of 253 employees in service industry were surveyed in order to examine the relationships among these constructs. The results showed as follows. First, emotional intelligence was a positive predictor of deep acting after controlling big five personality and positive/negative affectivity. Second, personal accomplishment was fully mediated the relationship between deep acting and job related attitude variables. However, in case of surface acting, it was not. Additionally, it was confirmed a model that emotional intelligence leads to deep acting, which in turn make an effect on personal accomplishment, and finally leads positive job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.

정서지능, 개인적 성취감, 정서노동 전략, 조직몰입, 직무만족, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Accomplishment, Emotional Labor Strategy, Organizational Committment, Job Satisfaction, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Accomplishment, Emotional Labor Strategy, Organizational Committment, Job Satisfaction



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