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ISSN : 1229-0696
This study analyzed the characteristics of the perceived competency in student evaluating task from work experience, as well as observing the difference in the perceived importance of the skill and the actual performance level of the admission officers, based on the competence drawn. For this study, Study 1 used the concept map, while Study 2 used the IPA analysis method. In Study 1 conducted the multidimensional scaling (MDS) and hierarchical cluster analysis to rate the importance level of each core sentence. The analysis showed that a total of 93 core sentences were clustered into: (1) ‘the understanding of the student/major’, (2) ‘ability to evaluate the documents quickly, accurately, and insightfully’, (3) ‘vocation development through self-understanding’, (4) ‘Understanding of the high school curriculum and its characteristics’. Furthermore, the results of the importance rating showed that Cluster 3 (vocation development through self-understanding) showed the highest level of importance. Study 2 compared the perceived competency importance and the actual performance, using paired t-test. The results showed that from the 93 competency list, there were significant differences in 37 competencies; out of 37, 36 of them showed lower performance than the perceived importance in the specific competency. Finally, this study suggested its implications based on the results, as well as providing directions for future studies based on the study’s limitations.
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