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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study examined the factors that may affect the innovative behavior based on the learning organization theory and the social capital theory. Also, considering the prevalence of the team system in modern organizations, the study was carried out in team context. Specifically, the study investigated the individual-level factors (i.e., continuous learning activity and network centrality) and the team-level factors (i.e., team network density and feedback environment) as predictors of the innovative behavior. The study also tested the moderating roles of the two team factors and the mediation effect of team adaptive performance. Using the survey research method, data were collected from 158 employees in 35 teams. To test the suggested model, multi-level analysis was conducted using the HLM. The results showed positive relationships between continuous learning and innovative behavior at the individual level. and between team feedback environment and team adaptive performance at the team level. The mediation effect of adaptive performance was confirmed only between team feedback environment and innovative behavior, showing that a significant cross-level effect of team adaptive performance on innovative behavior. From the confirmed meso-mediational relationships of the team factors on the innovative behavior, this study provided theoretical and practical implications regarding the innovative behavior at team contexts.
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