ISSN : 1229-4632
A gender-identity in the feminism debate in the past has construed the women as victims who shared a subordinate position. It is to perceive women of the third world country as the existences that are sluggish and non-historic. Especially, the Old Fashioned Women in Korean Woman Literature during the Japanese Occupation have been reappeared as uniform images like the endurance and self-sacrifice. Now the objective understanding of old fashioned women during the Japanese occupation is necessary. This study treated "InganMunje" and "Sogeum" that had been written by Kang, Gyung-Ae at large. "Sogeum" is treating the experience and the change of a woman who came into existence in space which a patriarch is absent in historic state that the family had disorganized. And "InganMunje" is treating the fact that the Women who had confined in a private ground under a capitalistic patriarchal system went forth into public ground and was conscious of her gender identity. In conclusion, an old fashioned woman was the subject who had composed a colony-modernity
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