ISSN : 1229-4632
This paper aims to give light upon the aspect of Korean 'male film melodrama'. The main concept of male film melodrama is the love story that the hero drives narrative. Generally melodrama is accepted the genre being about women, for women. Until now most studies of melodrama have been focused on the visual representation of woman's image and ideological pressure. The social-cultural changes influence mass culture, so one of the most popular genre, melodrama is reflected these results. Nowadays new male features have being appeared in melodrama. They are men who fall in love and their love story develops plot. In 1997, 8 'man' appeared the front side of Korean film melodrama for the first time in Korean film melodrama history. Since the latter of 1990's, many of male film melodrama have been made and most of them hit at the box-office. We can categorize them three types. First, there is 'male maturity film melodrama'.Second, there is 'male pure heart film melodrama'. Last, there is 'male fantasy film melodrama'. Genre is not a certain fixed substance, but is an organic formation which repeatedly makes self-renovation. According to the times, male characters in melodrama have changed and male audience, too. Men who have averted their eyes from love story are interested in love story and acknowledge love is the most important value in their lives.
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