ISSN : 1229-4632
In the article The words for Ladies’ Day, which published in 1942, Dingling expressed her deeply puzzling: why there are still lots of phenomenon of sexual oppression even when the proletariat becomes real owner of society? The cause of puzzling among Dingling and her time’s authors, we find, could be referred to the limitation of traditional Marxism,which was accepted as the theory for women liberation. Alison M. Jaggar,a contemporary feminist, creates a new viewpoint by developing Marxism. She uses the concept ‘alienation’ instead of ‘classes’and ‘oppression’ to explain and analyse the problems of sexual oppression. In this article, we reinterpret the meaning of sexual equality in Dingling’s work by Jaggar’s viewpoint. And we would also demonstrate the positive influence that the Socialist Feminism had made on Marxism.
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