ISSN : 1229-4632
This article traces the formation of the (South) Korean scientific community, from the liberation of Korea in 1945 through the early 1960s, to provide background for understanding Korean’s perception of science and technology. To illuminate the historical events that had shaped the South Korean scientific community, this research begins with the story of the first generation of Korean scientists under Japanese colonial rule before 1945, and goes through scientists’ migration to North Korea during the conflict between two Koreas. With the armistice, Korean scientific community had been also divided, and the scientists in the South appealed for social support for rebuilding and developing scientific enterprise throughout the 1950s, including the “Atoms for Peace” programs initiated by the US. This paper especially focuses on articles related to science or technology in Sasanggye, an intellectual monthly magazine, to show who the contributors were and which topics they prioritized.
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