ISSN : 1229-4632
The main trend of the so-called ‘Jopok’ movie(Korean gangster movie) that appeared during the financial crisis around 1997 can be summarized as untimely deaths of heroes. These films usually begin with a scene where a young man just joins a gang and the world he is entering is operated by the principle of male homosociality. As the key of the patriarchal gender dynamics, homosociality suppresses his continuity with homosexuality by claiming strong homophobia. Yet, in ‘Jopok’ movie, the female role as a safety device for the suppression is remarkably reduced, so the male characters’ homosocial fantasy appears more clearly. Young men are feminized due to this fantasy characterized by a suppressed homosexual desire and even a family romance, and encounter a death as ones maladjusted to the system. The world to which the young men who entered a world of organized violence belong is visualized as a cold-hearted urban space in film noir style. They do not realize that they came to belong to a noirish world where fellowship based on naive familism had no longer been possible and show an excessive emotional melodramatic attitude connected to the feeling of nostalgia. Thus, the young men’s deaths are a fall and punishment due to their anachronistic recognition. Yet, these deaths create ambivalence characterized by ‘premature deaths’ by which they insist on authenticity and purity refusing to go into the polluted world. In other words, the young men’s deaths in the films in the second half of the 1990s are cases of the cinematization of the structure of feeling they came across the beginning of the neoliberal era through their melodramatic understanding of noirish world.
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