ISSN : 1229-4632
This paper analyzes the changing process of Heo Jeong-Sook’s focus on the women’s movement from the “I” of each Joseon woman’s personal self to the “we” of the whole of Joseon women’s modern subjectivity in the colonial Joseon society of the early 1920s. It focuses on Heo Jeong-Sook’s points of view on the subject of modern woman as influenced by socialist feminism and the modernization of the colonial Joseon from 1920 to 1926, just before she left for the USA in May 1926. As a feminist activist, Heo Jeong-Sook was first involved in the women’s education movement in 1920-1921, because women’s education was necessary for the transformation of family and home and, finally, it would lead to the transformation of colonial Joseon society. In 1921-1924 she learned socialism in Shanghai in China and participated passionately in the socialist women’s movement through socialist organizations. After working as a newspaperwoman in Dong-A Ilbo in early 1925, she could understand the hostile life-circumstances of all Joseon women, whereby they were doubly treated as slaves, both personally and economically. She wrote her own feminist ideology for the modern woman in the contemporary feminist magazine New Woman in 1925-1926. She urged that Joseon women should struggle not against men or their husbands, but against traditional customs and the everyday lifestyle. She thought that, because Joseon women were under multiple repressions such as feudalism, patriarchy, capitalism and colonialism, the independent women’s movements would be necessary for both sexual and class emancipation in those days. She therefore insisted on revitalizing the keen senses of Joseon women with individual selfhood by resisting the daily patriarchal oppressions. As a kind of cultural icon of the subject of modern woman, she adopted the practice of cutting her long hair along with other socialist feminists, which brought a sensational cultural shark into colonial Joseon society. Based on socialist feminism, Heo Jeong-Sook sought ways of raising feminist consciousness among Joseon women, and finding out what kind of feminist strategy could be effective for the modern woman and efficient for the women’s movement in the early 1920s.
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