ISSN : 1229-4632
Lee Chung-joon's "Unauthorized Autobiography" is an autobiographical novel based on the late 1960s. This novel criticizes the development dictatorship of the Park Chung Hee regime by crossing the narrative of the reality layer and the fantasy layer. Lee Chung-joon joined <the Sasang-gye> in 1966, and moved to <the Yeowon> in 1967. The novel is shaped by the autobiographical experience of this time through the Naeoe(he Sasang-gye) and the Saeyeoseong(the Yeowon). The main event is the resignation of the Saeyeoseong of 'I', the writer's another self, on the reality level, and the appearance of the questioner on the fantasy floor. The protagonist narrator repeatedly emphasized that the crucial moment of these two events was due to the "strange and unknown" disgust of the Saeyeoseong(the Yeowon)'s veteran employee, Miss Yeom, This reflects the confusion and anxiety of the intellectual male subject coming in contact with a newly emerging female group, a competent single female worker. For me, this disgust is just a momentary affect that is formed by going down directly to the body without being caught by the circuit of consciousness or culture.
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