ISSN : 1229-4632
Pieces of work such as 『Woman who comes in autumn』 and 『Shade of Desire』 show popular characteristics of Park Kyung Ri and Park Wan suh,'s fictions at the same time paving the way for researching female identity according to the social and historical ideology forming the foundation of Park Kyung Ri and Park Wan suh,'s fictions. Park Kyung Ri and Park Wan suh,'s fictions different from the narrative structure of classical mysterious stories where the cause of a crime and the final outcome of an accident are clear, pays his attention to the internal consciousness and social background of the criminal revealed in the process of committing a crime not the crime itself. So to speak, he criticizes materialistically the logic of growth and development which is inherent in violence brought about from the frustrated desire of the criminal revealed in the process of looking for an answer to a puzzle, and mentally contradiction of modernization discourses in the 1960's through the 1970's stressing communal and ascetic values.
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