ISSN : 1229-4632
The goal of this paper is to compare the identities of the female speakers in Samiin-gok(a song of longing for a king) and Sokmiin-gok (a sequel to Samiin-gok) based on the positioning theory, which insists that one is able to understand an individual’s identity by analysing the way that he/she is positioning himself/herself and using the languages accordingly in a discursive situation. The female speaker in Samiin-gok positions herself as ‘a woman of the Neo-Confucian literati class’ by adopting the poetic lines of the Neo-Confucian literati and Chinese words, which imply the desire for political power. The female speaker in Sokmiin-gok positions herself as a ‘Gungnyeo (palace maid)’ and uses the colloquial languages of the uneducated woman, which are in the Korean vernacular. This implies that she has no desire for political power, yet only has the yearning for a man’s love instead. She constructs her identity as ‘a woman speaking in the vernacular’ which has paradoxical power due to the absolute nature of ‘humilis’, therefore Sokmiin-gok has been highly regarded for its presentation of an authentic voice notwithstanding its political message.
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