ISSN : 1229-4632
This article explores the strategies and effects of women fans forming their own gaze for women stars through the women homosexual fanfics, which has been unvisited even within the studies of fanfics. In particular, it analyzes the fanfics of Girls’ Generation, which aroused the discourses of ‘Uncle fans’ by using sexualization strategies that appeal to men. Girls’ Generation’s fanfics that mainly describe homosexuality among the women members, are produced and enjoyed within Girls’ Generation’s women fandom, which has been marginalized by the agency’s strategy despite its large fan base. Women idol fanfics are the distinction from the dominant/male gaze of regard and consumption of female stars as objects of male desire, demonstrating a desire to form women’s gaze. The fanfic’s women homosexual narrative reveals women’s desire for female orgasm, which a penis’ erection does not promise, along with their rejection of heterosexuality that takes female sexual instrumentalization for granted through a device called frigidity. Women fans explore women’s agency that investigates and enjoys sexual pleasure by dislocating women idol members from the dominant script of heterosexual relations with men and developing lesbian fantasies. Women who read and write female idol fanfics refuse to identify themselves as male/female positions in the existing gender/sexuality order, and carry out dynamic narrative experiments that discover and produce various sexual unions and differences among women.
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