ISSN : 1229-4632
Jeong Yeon-hee’s novel The Burning Temple is a unique novel that exists at the intersection of the existentialism of Jeong Yeon-hee’s 1950s novels and the feminism of Jeong Yeon-hee’s other serial novels from the 1960s. The novel The Burning Temple disrupts the gender and genre binary separating male-centered mainstream postwar literature and marginalized popular literature. The narrative structure of this novel is unique because it centers the narrative on women’s sexual hardships within the context of the Korean War. Simultaneously, the novel tells the story of a young woman who establishes her existential self, an approach that departs from the typical narratives of women’s hardship that sought the re-consecration of postwar literature and melodrama. In addition, the story points toward the potential for community to overcome hardship and emptiness through love. The Burning Temple depicts war as an opportunity for women to achieve existential awareness and objectified female awareness, and it depicts the process of female subjects re-emphasizing motherhood through love and forming a female homo-social community of “Eve,” which deviates from the ideological social system. The failure of the lovers’ revolution leads to the collapse of the sisterhood community; however, this reminds us of the existential conditions that forced us to struggle with the world due to the impossibility of existing outside the system. Furthermore, The Burning Temple represents the determination of young women as existential subjects by restructuring the recurring plot of women’s suffering into a spiral plot with motility in a way that differs from modern, straightforward progress. This approach is significant in literary history, as it constitutes an original attempt by a female writer to re-emphasize love, war, and revolution in the eyes of an objectified woman through literature in the mid-1960s.
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