ISSN : 1229-4632
This article critically explores representations of women in director Yeon Sang-ho’s films Seoul Station, Train to Busan, and Peninsula. To understand the method of representing women deployed in these three disaster films, I analyze how the “zombie” represented in the film symbolizes the universal and transcendent power of capitalism as well as how men drive women into a “non-places” in ethical compliance with the capitalist system. Here lies the fundamental deception of men who avoid responsibility for the death and destruction of the land caused by the capitalist system. To overcome the fear of destruction and the end of the earth, satiate their desire to sustain the capitalist system, and obscure their responsibility, men reproduce women as incubators of capital and prey to be sacrificed. Moreover, to overcome the fear of annihilation brought about by the end of the earth and destruction, men continuously summon post-heroes represented by soldiers, revealing their desire to construct a new capitalist nation-state system. In this process, women continue to be forced into violent situations as incubator of production and producing bodies meant to reconstitute a post-Korea.
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