ISSN : 1229-4632
This article interprets the process of female subject formation in Jung Sae-rang ’s latest novel From the Si-sun while also exploring the restoration of sirens in women’s mythology. Through “commingling,” Si-sun forms relationships with other female subjects, and while expanding these relations, she rewrites history using her own voice, similar to the “non-identical egos” of sirens. The “non-uniform” ego, which is not encompassed by the mechanism of modern homogenization, does not stop at Si-sun; rather, it extends from Sisun to others of the same age and women of later generations. This is achieved by making heard the voices of a women that have long been marginalized; that is, it is achieved via an act of writing that is comparable to the act of speaking. The act of rewriting personal memories causes ruptures in the identity of history by “reflecting”(Eingedenken) on a hidden history that has not appeared as part of official history. Si-sun’s descendnants repeatedly reenact her past like a festival in the form of a “ceremony.” However, this act is also a way of criticizing modernity’s violence by granting new meaning to the history of other people’s bodies and languages.
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