ISSN : 1229-4632
Fanfics are stories that women read and write about stars, and the most of them describe homosexual relationships. Fanfics have made and been enjoyed among the women and by themselves un- or anti-institutionally based on popularization of the super-high speed internet for 10 years. The production and consumption process of fanfics shows that women can possess their own informal market as the medium of men. It is the notable point that they also violate sexual morality and heterosexual love-central taboo imposed to women. The scenes of intensive sexual love composed of top/bottom structure using in fanfics are concretely contextualized as romantic narratives. At this time, women leave the context of male-dominated heterosexual love and accept homosexual love as an understandable thing. After all these women have queer subjectivity that doesn't accept the Phallic power prohibited thoroughly.
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