ISSN : 1225-6706
Chungnam is one of the fastest-growing region, but ranks highest in the ratio of the difference between Gross Regional product and Gross Regional income. Income-outflowing to other regions, instead of income-allocation in the area, results in this kind of big gap between production and income. In this article, we examined the difference between production and income, and the income inflow and outflow among 16 Regions nationwide and Chungnam, using regional distribution income statistics published after 2009. We found Chungnam has a branch factory economic structure, which causes extreme income outflowing to other regions. Therefore, Chungnam should change to the endogenous growth strategy from the exogenous growth strategy when it attracts company investment. In Korea, the one region centered structure still exists as income and consumption are concentrated in Seoul. In order to solve income outflow between regions, the economic structure of headquarter in Seoul and local branch factories in Chungnam and other region should be changed.
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