ISSN : 1225-6706
This study aims to explore the potentiality of ‘festive appropriation’ as a meansof spatial practice for deconstructing and rebuilding public space. The studied areasof Helsinki, Finland represent ‘filtered’ public space where the supposedly properbody and behaviour are carefully selected while the others are constantly excluded. Among the arts of selection and exclusion, strict controls over street vending andeating in particular, show how public space and public life are densely mediated. ‘Restaurant Day’ first came as a grassroots action against the controls, mobilisingone-day pop-up restaurants in mode of festivals. This paper reviews the literatureon public space, publicity and how they are mediated through signs, images, regulationsand surveillance and seeks to locate festive appropriation as a spatial strategyof deconstruction. Building on these, the study first provides a stark contrast betweenthe usual, mediated public space of everyday Helsinki and the unusual, appropriatedpublic space of Restaurant Day. This contrast reveals how the state, bureaucratsand individuals spatially project their rules on one side and marginalise the inappropriateon the other. Second, the study investigates how Restaurant Day temporarilyoverturns everyday order by enabling people to festively and simultaneouslytake part in the action. With the order overturned, the space for alternative identityand social relation emerges. Public space rebuilt on the restored publicity is thefruitful outcome of festive appropriation. In the end, the study reminds us thatthe promise of rebuilding public space is in the hands of the people and calls forthe need for action.
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