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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Vol.30 No.3


This study purports to inquire into the Swedish case of policy mismatches in responding COVID-19 pandemic, which account for high human cost in the early stage. The research examines why Sweden has taken a flexible recommendation, not a rigid regulation. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Nordic country has taken its traditional policy paradigm and healthcare model with comprehensive and diverse goals from a long perspective, democratic governance by professionals under limited healthcare resources to cover specific target groups. The approach also emphasizes individual responsibility and autonomy, not perfectly embedded in the immigrant community. The research founded that the conventional Swedish approach, which fared well before the pandemic, yielded policy mismatches with ideal responses against COVID-19. From a long-term sustainable perspective, the Swedish experiences can provide lessons to Korea, a renowned short-term success story with a comparatively hard regulatory model.


이 글은 코로나-19와 같은 생태적 위험에 사회가 어떻게 대처할 수 있는가를 루만의 체계이론을 활용하여 탐색한다. 코로나-19 사태는 사람과 사람들의 관계로 구성된 사회, 그리고그런 사회와 존재론적으로 구분되는 사회-환경 도식에 의해서 분석되고 대안이 모색되고 있다. 그러나 이런 사회-환경 도식은 기능분화된 현대사회에 더 이상 적합하지 않을 뿐 아니라생태적 위험을 해결하는 데 오히려 장애물이 된다. 이 글에서 사회는 사람으로 구성되는 것이아니다. 사회는 그것의 환경과 작동적으로 구분되는 커뮤니케이션 체계로서 자기준거적으로재생산된다. 코로나-19와 같은 생태적 위험은 전체 사회가 아니라 기능적으로 분화된, 사람들로 구성되지 않은 사회체계들과 사회조직들의 고유한 작동들에 의해서만 처리될 수 있다. 코로나-19와 관련된 리스크 결정과 K-방역에 대한 분석은, 전체 사회의 이름으로 요청되고행해지는 결정과 대처는 불가능하고, 사회적 체계들이 위험과 리스크에 대처할 수 있는 고유의 작동들을 교란시킬 뿐이라는 것을 보여준다. 코로나-19와 같은 생태적 위험에 대한 최선의 대처는 기능분화된 사회적 체계들이 어떻게 작동하는지, 그 작동의 맹점은 무엇인지를 관찰하는 것이다.


The study attempted to examine the mobility after the COVID-19 crisis in ethnic enclaves and the areas with a high foreign resident population in the Seoul Metropolitan area. De facto population data of Seoul using LTE signals were utilized to investigate the mobility changes between Korean natives and foreign residents in six target areas. Data from November 2019 to June 2020 were selected for analyses--the analysis of de facto population changes at four-time points per day across the target period and the total daily de facto population compared to that of early November 2019 as the reference. For Korean natives, the de facto population in all target areas had declined, especially after spikes of confirmed cases or the Korean government issuing public health orders. On the other hand, foreign residents’ patterns of de facto population change differed across the target areas with varying compositions of foreign residents. Target areas with a high proportion of international students had similar mobility patterns between Korean natives and foreign residents. Target areas with ethnic enclaves, on the other hand, revealed distinctive mobility patterns of foreign residents form Korean natives. Implications of these findings for future research are suggested.


According to the COVID-19 pandemic, global aviation market is becoming stagnant. This study is an early assessment to understand crucial impact of the disease propagation on the aviation market through analyzing degree centrality changes of airports in the World Air transport Network(WAN), in comparison to spreading patterns of the disease. We employ K-means clustering to figure out spatio-temporal phases of the disease spread across countries in the world. Then, we apply degree centrality measure of the network analysis to OAG airlines schedules data, in order to capture the temporal changes of degree centrality distribution. Finally, we examine differential patterns of degree centrality distributions across countries grouped by the spatio-temporal phases of disease spread patterns. As a result, we find that density and size of the WAN have rapidly decreased from January to June in 2020, mainly affected by decreasing connectivity of medium- and large-hubs. Furthermore, the decreasing connectivity patterns appear differentially among regions and countries, with respect to their fluctuating periods and levels.


This study analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on local market areas in Suwon after its outbreak based on monthly sales of credit card affiliate stores. During the period of spreading COVID-19, Suwon’s total sales decreased by about 18% compared to the past. While the sales of the face-to-face business, non-essential business, and businesses in traffic-centered market areas declined significantly, the sales of businesses in neighborhood market areas and businesses related to daily- living less declined or even slightly increased due to increasing of in-home activities and social distancing. After April, the overall consumption of Suwon has been recovering to the level of before COVID-19, but the extent of recovery is relatively insufficient in some sectors, which suffered a severe decrease in sales during the period of spreading COVID-19. In particular, this research identified that market areas where had the larger floating population, higher proportion of under- 20s consumers, and higher weekend sales had suffered the sharper decline in sales due to the spread of COVID-19.


This study identifies what the public nature of Korean social housing will be as civic entities appear in addition to the existing LH and other government agencies in the supply of social housing. In the historical path of publicness, the borders of public, common, and private used to be subject to be variable and produce publicness in a dialectical relationship. In the modern period, a state functions as a bearer of publicness which protects territory and private property rights based on state rationality. A state never can be a bearer of publicness because it has to make strategic decisions depending on various interests. Researches with respect to common goods and social activities suggests a new alternative as it has been turned out that practice of sharing is feasible transcending the concept of ownership according to division of public and private. Social housing, in effect, has a characteristic of publicness and has a realized history through the competition of public, common, and private. Whereas, Korean housing system demonstrates the aspect of developmental state and social housing shows single publicness, a state, because of political interests. Social housing supplied by common is able to play as a dialectical relationship which corrects distorted roles of public. This research suggests the potential of social housing as common goods which combinate a state, capital, and community.


In order to understand the impact of the demand for fine dust reduction on transport transition, it is necessary to closely analyze the perception of ordinary citizens and drivers that affect the speed and direction of transport transition. The study aims to explore ways to raise diesel taxes and reform the fuel tax subsidies by analyzing citizens’ contextual perception on reducing diesel cars. To this end, we analyzed the results of a survey and focus group interview conducted on citizen groups who are sensitive to fine dust reduction policies, unorganized truck drivers, and ordinary drivers. The results show that there are many social and cultural obstacles that make people hesitate to practice directly in their daily lives, although there has been a growing consensus on the reduction of diesel cars. In addition, conditional agreements on raising diesel taxes and improving the fuel tax subsidies are widely observed. To turn the conditional consent into support for transport transition requires a transition storyline that can incorporate conditional consent into a long-term transition vision. Citizens’ contextual judgments should be a key target of transition management to raise diesel taxes and reform the fuel tax subsidies.


In this article, I will describe the main concepts of the actor-network theory regarding the spatiality. After analyzing the spatial implications of the key concepts of ANT such as actors/actants, network, and the concept of theories, I will analyze how they can be applied to the understanding of technoscience and spatiality. Lastly, I will describe how ANT can be used to analyze the space laden with COVID-19 pandemic. By doing it, the concept of the space multiple which is a concept borrowed from Mol and Law’s concepts of the body multiple and the world multiple, will be used. Also four modes of spatialities that ANT argues network spatiality, Euclidean spatiality, fluid spatiality and fire spatiality will be discussed to analyze how we can use ANT to prevent the epidemic.


이 연구는 후쿠시마 원전사고 직후 방사능오염을 탐지하고 데이터를 지도화 해서 SNS를통해 공유했던 시민센싱의 전개를 기술한다. 그럼으로써 방사능 위험에 대한 새로운 감수성과 책임의 양식이 생성되는 과정을 부각시키려는 시도이다. 특히, 후쿠시마 원전사고 직후 해커스페이스, DIY센싱, 그리고 크라우드소싱을 중심으로 구성된 세이프캐스트의 활동에 주목해서, 시민의 이해관계를 반영하는 장치와 개념을 매개로 방사능 오염에 대한 시민의 감각능력과 응답능력이 강화되는 과정을 다루었다. 감수성과 책임을 각각 감각+역량(sense+ability) 과 응답+역량(response+ability)으로 재번역함으로써, 포스트후쿠시마 시민센싱이 과학과 정치, 지식과 믿음, 가치와 사실, 전문가와 대중으로 양분된 세계로부터 대비되어 생성되는 새로운 삶을 양식화하고 있음을 제시한다. 첫째, 포스트후쿠시마 국가-시민 관계를 고찰하고 방사능 오염 이슈를 둘러싼 공중의 형성을 기술한다. 그럼으로써 시민센싱의 아이디어가 새로운 방식의 리스크 커뮤니케이션으로 부각되는 계기를 밝힌다. 둘째, 해커스페이스와 DIY센싱의 결합으로 형성된 세이프캐스트의 방사능 오염 탐지 과정을 기술함으로써, 시민센싱이 기존의 정부기구와 시민운동과는 차별화되는 감각능력을 갖추게 되었음을 제시한다. 셋째, 크라우드소싱을 통해서 방사능오염지도가 작성되고 공유되는 과정을 기술함으로써 세이프캐스트가 다른 방사능오염지도 작성 기관들과 차별화된 응답능력을 발휘하고 있음을 밝힌다. 넷째, 세이프캐스트의 방사능 오염 탐지와 지도에 대한 타당성 검토에 대한 논의를 살펴보고과학적 타당성과 가치를 나누는 대립항과는 다른 세계상의 가능성에 대해서 논의한다.

Space and Environment