ISSN : 1229-4632
Kim, kirim was a poet, critic, novelist, dramatist and essayist who tried not only to evaluate but surmount Korean literature, receiving western literary theory. He was not a formalist or a technician but he was interested in language and its expression. Being educated, women in 1930s had a kind of modernistic consciousness than former women because they could read the ladies' magazines and contact with western culture. Nevertheless, they were a kind of minorities compared with men. It was because that Confucian ideas and restraints of the times were so strong. About 1930s, Japan, considering Chosun as their food suppliers as well as market for their products, began to exploit Chosun. It results in the failure of accomplishing women's subjective life in Chosun. By 1940s, Kim, kirim's understanding of women couldn't extend since he could no longer believe in the possibility of transforming reality through reasonal principle. In the historical context in which no one could see the future prospect, it was difficult to try to extend his cognition of women.
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