ISSN : 1229-4632
This thesis features journalist-writers in 1920th and 1930th. It points out the real lives of women at that time; more and more women were getting the modern education. And newspapers dealt with the lives of those who were called 'New Women'. And also, there appeared a group of women readers. In concrete, women writers in the 20th and 30th made an appearance having more systematic base than before. Modern systems such as schools and journalism were their major channels to the public. Then, they learned writing and reading in schools and journals as social fields. In particular, journalism played a key role to spread learning. However, despite women's this changed status, most of women journalists were in sales and worked at the limited or gendered area. Nevertheless, it is significant that some women journalists became writers. Jeonghee Choi and Gyewol Song were two models of those who struggled to survive their male-centered society and inscribe their name into it even if they suffered from being considered incompetent writers or cowards serving the male power. That is because while men's status as journalist-writers was rather stable, women' as journalist-writers was not. Of course, men writers have difficulty in making enough money to feed and clothe their family. They were even guilty of writers' immoral behavior under the colonization. Naturally, these men writers have been evolved and esteemed as modern authors in the Korean literary history. In comparison, women writers made their every efforts so as to survive the male-centered society and identify themselves as writers in their own society.
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