ISSN : 1229-4632
This research investigates the relation between American civilization and Discussion of Woman's Bildung in 1950's. As population who can read and write increased, printed media such as newspapers and magazines became a mass media from the exclusive property for a small number of intellects. Such increase of people's literacy had significant influence on women especially. The concern and expectation of women readers focused on novel and other literature sectors and in addition to their preference on literature readings, they actively participated events like subscribing reader's notes, reader's literature class, reader's literature competition and women's literature competition and composed communal indemnity through the magazines. Women's magazines introduced to write poems and novels liasing their comtemporary famous authors and literary people and commissioned public measurement for poems, novels and essays written by their readers. Such lectures by literary people and public literature measurement were exclusively seen in the women's magazines and it was result of influences of readings according to increase of women readers and feminization of writing to publishing market in 1950's.
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