ISSN : 1229-4632
In this paper, I searched how the discourse of love reflected in the serial novels in the women's pop magazine Yeowon in the 1950s. After the Korean war, the traditional marriage system was significantly criticized and the free love discourse of the colonial times became to be regularized for the mass beyond the restriction of the intellectuals. Along the trend of free love discourse, columns and articles in Yeowon combined love into marriage tightly in that they tried to idealize romantic love which combines love, marriage and sexuality together in one relationship, and this combination made it certain that a woman was a being of a domestic area and supported the re-establishment of the traditional patriarchal system. The serial novels in the women's pop magazine Yeowon in the 1950s reflected and reproduced the love discourse of the magazine. However, serial novels also made a fissure of the discourse in diverse ways. The Washington Monument(Bangchotap) exposed the disturbance of intellectuals of the days who were floated between the will to reconcile with the tradition and the will to be westernized while over-understanding the western love philosophy. A Song of a String(Hyunga) revealed a paradoxical result that the end of platonic love was nothing but a status of death when it lead romantic love into asceticism. The Return Trip of a Migratory Bird(whojo-ui guiro) opened a vacuous hollow to investigate new meaning of love when it revealed the fail of romantic love by disclosing one’s sexual desire with an unexpected incident.
여원 , 1955.10~1960.3.
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