ISSN : 1229-4632
This study aims to search the meaning and value about the representation of a woman tuberculosis patient in Modern Korean Novels at colonial age. After Jo, Il-jae's <A cukoo>, Seonu, il's <A sound of cuckoo> and Kim, woojin's <The falling of blossom> which were translation and adaptations of <Hototogis> emerged, a woman tuberculosis patient han been described variously like an object of compassion, fascination, fear and pity etc. in Modern Korean Novels. In the works like <The falling of blossom> and <Ecstasy>, a woman's tuberculosis means punishment or correction about her susceptibility disaccord with the colonial society, which has formed because she came into contact with Modern Capitalism civilizations. At the other part, a woman tuberculosis patient was connected with not a sense of gilt from corruption but the spirit of self-sacrifice from chastity in Yi, Tae-jun's <A relief woman>. A beautiful and polished woman patient, as a scapegoat in the patriarchy capitalism society, reminds intelligent men of some romantic fantasy. And forward, a woman tuberculosis patient-labourer is a sublime being not was sacrificed by a capitalism system but resisted with that system in women writers' works like Song, Gye-weol's or Gang, Gyeong-ae's.
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