ISSN : 1229-4632
This paper aims to analyze gender in the immigrant narrative of Sinsoseol(新小說), Sohakryoung (1912) published in the daily newspaper Maeil-Sinbo(每日申報) written by Lee Hae-Jo, the prominent Korean Sinsoseol novelist in the early 20th-century Korea. Influenced by the colonial newspaper's policy of expanding its readership, Lee planned to write Sohakryoung, in which Mrs. Hong and her family were on the way to Sohakryoung in Russia to look for her husband in the immigrant Korean society. The main story was composed with Mrs. Hong's narrative, showing the diverse explorations and unexpected experiences on the way. Among these, the backbone of the story is the continuous threat and the possibility of sexual violence on female sexuality within the illegal social order of the immigrant community. Even though it does not suggest the subversion of gender ideology, it is worth noting that the story proposes the probability of breaking it in the immigrant community by protecting her body from sexual violence by herself as well as with support from others.
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