ISSN : 1229-4632
This study aims to analyzes the representation of a subaltern opium addict in the Korean Novels after 1920s especially from the relation with maternity. We show and value a mother's blood relative love to her opium addict child, a woman's violence to her opium addict husband and a mother's hysteria and the sublime maternity of a subaltern opium addict's in the novels at the colonial age. Apart from a maternal affection which contributes to the order of patriarchy with a mother's discipline, a mother's care to her child becomes blood relative love. And Chae, Mansik's 「an undutiful son」 shows a mother's disgusting blood relative love to her opium addict son. The maternity put more stress a mother's disciplain than a mother's care and shows a violent narratives and the images of death in the narrative about a subaltern opium addic husband like Choi, Jeong-hei's 「Goksang」 and Gang, Gyeong-ae's 「Drugs」. Kim, Sa-ryang's 「Zigimi」 paradoxically shows a sublime maternal narrative that an old subaltern opium addict cares his brethren like their mother with inviting to opium addiction. The representation of a subaltern opium addict related to the maternity in the Korean novels at the colonial age shows various narratives that break up the normality of a colonial modern patriarch society with the paradox as a disgusting blood relative love, a violent hysteria and a subaltern opium addict's care.
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