ISSN : 1229-4632
This paper presents an analysis of the female character in Yussisamdaerok who represents the great filial piety. According to Confucian discourses on women’s filiality, women were expected to transfer their filial piety from their natal parents to their parents-in-law after marriage. However, the eighteenth century novel Yussisamdaerok introduced a fictional character, Princess Jinyang, who continues to direct her filial piety toward her natural mother, rather than her parents-in-law, even after she marries. This study focuses on this case and analyzes the meaning of the appearance of this character in Korean literature. This analysis of Princess Jinyang’s character challenges the former understanding that devoted daughter characters usually represent a woman’s natural filiality that cannot be redirected, not even to abide by Confucian norms. Instead, an examination of how Princess Jinyang continues to practice filial piety toward her natural mother indicates there are diverse meanings of her noncompliance. For example, Princess Jinyang uses the Confucian virtue of filial piety as her political resource. Although she deviates from Confucian norms of the female virtue, she justifies her behavior with Confucian causes (i.e., filial piety), and by maintaining filial piety toward her natural mother, she gains autonomy from her husband’s family. Accordingly, Princess Jinyang is not just another case of a devoted daughter character in Korean literature. Rather, the representation of this character reveals that the relationship between the female character and Confucian ideology cannot be understood as a simple dichotomy of resistance versus subordination.
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