ISSN : 1229-4632
This study aims to examine the patterns of women's humorous discourse and the way of creating laughter in Korean classical long novels and explore the world of laughter and the nature of laughter in women who lived during Joseon Dynasty. The humorous discourse of Korean classical long novels is characterized into several kinds according to the ways of creating laughter: laughter based on self-exaggeration and rationalization, laughter based on the revealing of inside couple relationship, laughter based on the downgraded superiority and nobility, and laughter based on the resistance against the excessive and unfairness. Among them, the laughter based on self-exaggeration and rationalization are made from the realistic self-awareness of the women of the noble birth and they have the character of a win-win laughter. The laughter based on the exposure of couple’s inside story and the laughter based on the lowering of the value of the superiority and the nobility are made from the balanced sense of life and the flexible attitude of women's life in noble society, and they have the character of solidarity communicating with the surroundings. The laughter based on the resistance against the excessive and unfairness is made from a critical awareness that criticizes the patriarch who treats his wife and children unjustly and criticizes the injustice imposed by the masculinity of Confucian society, and it has the character of resistive laughter.
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