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The Fear of ‘Modern Girl’ and the Rhetoric of Comrades : A Review of Socialist Female Consciousness in [Human problem] by Kang Kyeong-ae

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2019, v.0 no.47, pp.257-283
Song, In Hwa
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The works of Kang Kyeong ae, which were recognized as the best realistic works during the colonized period, female consciousness was approached in terms of realizing the socialist ideology. The existing studied said that the sense of socialisitic woman's liberation was realized well, or that the man oriented-socialist idelogly was accepted without criticism so that a sens of the patriarcal was appeared on the whole, These studies were not different in that they explained consciousness of women with socialist ideology even being different direction of evaluation. They regarded the socialist ideology as a idelology of single content and linked its weak point and its virtue to success and failure of consciousness of women. However that of Kang Kyeong ae’s works was not a single ideology without seam. Rather than, the contradicted difference was structured in socialism. In that, the old fashioned patriarchal view intersected with the ideology of modern class liberation, in the same socialistic area, there was the difference between feminists as well. This article intends to examine the heterogeneity and the disparity which was overlooked in the study in the relationship with the Moderngirl discourse. The self-consciousness of New women or Moderngirl discourse that depreciated intellectual women with debauchery, vanity, and empty shells was regarded as the main cause of such oppression and contradiction. As the fear of 'modern girl' became internalized in the intellecture women, it pursued the identity of woman who is opposite to it. It can be seen that the discourse of the Newwomen caused oppressive conflicts and contradictions not only to liberal feminists but also to the socialist women 's consciousness through the discussions of the colonialism as' red romance'.

강경애, 사회주의, 지식인여성, ‘모던걸’, ‘신여성’, 공포, 가부장주의, 이질성, Kang Kyung Ae, Socialism, Intellectual woman, 'Modern girl', ‘New women', Fear, Patriarchism, Heterogeneity



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Feminism and Korean Literature